Our life in the woods and how busy your life can be when you have no regular job.
I’m sitting at a local library in Westlake Corner, VA. It’s books time for Nadia, play time for Alex and shopping for Agnieszka. I have a few minutes and a decent Wi-Fi connection for this short update. We’ve been living in this beautiful Smith Mountain Lake State Park for almost a week now. The temperature has been in the mid ’80 and there’s only been a few other campers beside us. That gave us the opportunity to participate in all the programs the park has to offer. We’ve been hiking and running in the woods, we’ve been watching bats and owls, learning to use a compass and cook in a campfire, playing ball on a beach, swimming, canoeing, boating and even knee boarding. We’ve been busy playing, but we didn’t forget about school. We did most of the lessons in Discovery Center, where Nadia was crunching Math and practicing English and Polish. We’ve been reading The Story of the World
and other books rented from local library. Nadia even started her own journal!

11-Sep-2011 00:12, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 5.6, 45.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 200

11-Sep-2011 00:03, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 200.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 400

11-Sep-2011 00:12, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 200.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 400

12-Sep-2011 19:04, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 6.7, 75.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 200

12-Sep-2011 19:06, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 300.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 200

12-Sep-2011 21:16, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 5.8, 300.0mm, 0.003 sec, ISO 200

12-Sep-2011 19:40, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 300.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 400

12-Sep-2011 19:08, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 300.0mm, 0.006 sec, ISO 400

12-Sep-2011 21:16, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 200.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 200

13-Sep-2011 22:34, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 200.0mm, 0.167 sec, ISO 800

13-Sep-2011 22:38, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 135.0mm, 0.167 sec, ISO 800

14-Sep-2011 16:29, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 200.0mm, 0.022 sec, ISO 800

14-Sep-2011 01:02, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 3.8, 28.0mm, 0.022 sec, ISO 400

USA, Smith Mountain Lake, VA - Widok z parku na jezioro (Fot. Robert Bajan)
13-Sep-2011 22:48, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 11.0, 28.0mm, 0.003 sec, ISO 200

14-Sep-2011 19:51, OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. u850SW,S850SW , 4.0, 6.7mm, 0.003 sec, ISO 64

USA, Smith Mountain Lake, VA - Widok z parku na jezioro (Fot. Robert Bajan)
14-Sep-2011 16:42, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 28.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 200

USA, Smith Mountain Lake, VA - Pień drzewa wyrzeżbiony przez Yellow Bellied Sap Sucker (Fot. Robert Bajan)
14-Sep-2011 17:06, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 6.7, 70.0mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 800

15-Sep-2011 15:53, OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. u850SW,S850SW , 3.5, 6.7mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 64

15-Sep-2011 15:19, OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. u850SW,S850SW , 3.5, 6.7mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 80

USA, Smith Mountain Lake, VA - Młodzi żeglarze (Fot. Agnieszka Bajan)
15-Sep-2011 16:08, OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. u850SW,S850SW , 3.5, 6.7mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 64

15-Sep-2011 17:39, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 200.0mm, 0.006 sec, ISO 400

USA, Smith Mountain Lake, VA - W drodze łatwo jest nawiązywać nowe znajomości (Fot. Robert Bajan)
15-Sep-2011 17:43, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 6.7, 70.0mm, 0.011 sec, ISO 200

15-Sep-2011 17:41, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 200.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 400

15-Sep-2011 17:41, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 8.0, 108.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 400

17-Sep-2011 19:42, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 5.6, 200.0mm, 0.011 sec, ISO 800

USA, Smith Mountain Lake, VA - Panna Laurie, Alex i jego ryba (Fot. Agnieszka Bajan)
18-Sep-2011 16:47, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 5.6, 28.0mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 200

USA, Smith Mountain Lake, VA - Panna Laurie, Nadia i jej ryba (Fot. Agnieszka Bajan)
18-Sep-2011 16:57, PENTAX Corporation PENTAX K100D , 5.6, 28.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 200
With our busy schedule, the consequence of sleeping longer and walking slower is simply that… the days became much shorter. Living this simple, frugal life is so exciting, that it is hard to believe how fast time passes by.