Sabbatical Inspiration

The following, are just a few books that helped us take this difficult decision. In no particular order, I’d like to recommend the following:
[amazon asin=0307465357&template=wishlist&chan=default]
I had some mixed feelings reading the book. At first it feels rather naive and you’re tempted to put it away. But once you get past the hype and apply some common sense to it, you will find a few useful ideas that will eventually uplift your self esteem and some practical advice that will help you get organized.

[amazon asin=014311459X&template=wishlist&chan=default]
This is a brick. Thankfully it’s a paperback edition, so it won’t break your back, but you can still use it as a door stop. This book is only for the more patient ones, as the author tends to venture on to lengthy theoretical debates, which (at least in my case) proved to be a perfect insomnia relief.

And the following are some more recent, but similar titles:
[amazon asin=&template=wishlist&chan=default&cat=local&last=4&wishlist_type=Similar]

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